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Wedding Advice

Jo Gendle Films / Wedding Advice
Ashfield House Wedding videographer

Superb Ashfield House Wedding Videographer

 Best wedding venue in the north west The first thing you will notice about Ashfield House wedding venue is the warm and friendly welcome given by all the staff. I have shot here lots of times and the staff always help you in anyway they can....

Best Cheshire Wedding Videography

  https://vimeo.com/249395185 Best Cheshire Wedding Videographry So another year has come to a close. It' time to look back on the best cheshire wedding videography of 2017. It has been an amazing journey yet again meeting so many new faces. Experiencing completely unique Wedding's and hearing about your love...

videographer at mills barn

The best Wedding Speech advice- How to get it right!

 The Best wedding speech advice So, the time has come in your life when you need to make a wedding speech. You are not alone if the thought has you running for the hills; surveys commonly reveal that public speaking ranks higher than death (and spiders!) on lists of...